In-house corrosion testing by Alliance Finishing & Manufacturing allows customer's processed parts to be released for quick delivery after testing results are available. Any test non conformances allow Alliances to re-process lots as required and quickly respond/notify customers of any delays affecting their parts. By having in-house testing, several days are saved as opposed to having to wait for third party outside testing parts to be delivered back to Alliance Finishing & Manufacturing before re-processing and re-testing. This enables us to respond rapidly thus consistently meeting or exceeding our customer’s delivery schedules.
Alliance Finishing & Manufacturing brings 24+ years of metallurgical/materials experience using scientific testing and advanced equipment to help our customers find unique solutions to their plating needs. Our scientific approach, level of analysis and extensive engineering knowledge is uncommon within the norms of MOST plating facilities. Consistently, Alliance staff is asked for consulting advice from our customers when they need to identify the root cause of plating/metallurgical failures in service, or they ask us to aid in the materials selection process of a part in its design phase. Our extensive knowledge along with our strict quality control over our plating processes allows Alliance to consistently delivered to our customers parts of exceptional quality, to print, and with ≤ 1% rejection rates and better than 98% delivery times.
A full time trained chemist and wastewater technician support Alliance Finishing & Manufacturing’s daily production processes using the latest techniques in process control, solution control and chemical maintenance. Weekly testing of all plating baths ensure that NADCAP requirements are met or exceeded in all of our plating processes thereby maintaining the highest levels of plating solution control for consistent part plating quality.
All of Alliance Finishing & Manufacturing’s plating processes are verified by a third party independent NADCAP laboratory. We use calibrated test measuring equipment to certify dimensional plating thickness and all equipment is calibrated on a regular basis in accordance with our quality control requirements. In addition, we submit monthly test panels of our regular performed plating processes to an independent outside testing facility to ensure that our CERTIFICATION OF PROCESSING documents issued to our customers meets the quality assurance testing requirements of all appropriate MIL-SPEC and commercial documents and maintains traceability to each processed lot of parts. All quality records are maintained for twenty (20) years.
In-House Corrosion Testing

Testing and Consulting
QC Laboratory Testing
Certified Processes